Event Sponsorship Opportunities

B2B Experiences 

 Secure valuable face time with key stakeholders and decision-makers in the industry through sponsorship at our B2B events. Whether exhibiting hands-on demonstrations or presenting to an engaged audience, your company will experience close interactions with an interested community of industry peers. 

 SEFAA Annual Trade Show

Networking Opportunities

Engage potential customers at one of our networking events to get to know clients in a comfortable setting. Capitalize on these unique and fun opportunities to experience meaningful interactions and build trusting relationships with members.

  Volleyball Tournament

Circle of Excellence Awards Ceremony   

Support PAC

Showcase your company's brand and dedication to the multifamily industry through sponsorship at one of our events to benefit PAC. The success of our industry rests on the continued financial strength of APAC and NAAPAC, making these events vital to the association's success.  

Fishing for APAC

Sponsorship Cancellation Policy
The sponsorships are non-refundable. In the event of program cancellation due to low enrollment or causes beyond our control, all payments made will be refunded in full. SEFAA reserves the right to cancel any scheduled program that does not meet minimum registration requirements.